Monday, December 31, 2012

- thanks frds

does anyone got a friend that cant be forgotten ?
 too many thing to write out....
don't know start from where...
blank minded =.=''

yes i do have friends that i cant forget them bcoz they gave me so much memories to remembered.
today is the last day of 2012...
after tonight it will be 2013..
but why i felt like im still stuck in year 2011 ...
in between 2011 to 2012, the time pass so fast...

i still remember who introduce you to me ...
should be year 2005 or 2006....
ngel n shawn intro you to me at li yuan...
then we keep in touch randomly in msn ...
until year 2011...

eddy jio me badminton...
say got frds intro me, no nid pai seh...
thn ma go lo...
manatau that guys was you ... really long time no see ...
from what u told me.... u don't know im going .. coz eddy said my real name..
not my nick... haha, seem like tiger this name popular than my real name..

had a good chat while badminton...
and then i jio him to join me play ragnarok online ...
at first he still nah, no want la... busy for other game .. lolx..
and then we exchange our hp number...
that fridays.... a few day past after we bdmt...
u called me up to ask the information about RO ..
haha.. and then we had the game together ...

that time we really like no life, day RO,night Ro, midnight RO..
spending our time at the game ...
bot setting, character lvling, item hunting, guild war and so on ...
but most enjoy one is we still can go out supper after gaming...
and the time is around 3-4am...
really also thanks him a lot, acc me every meal and bring me go makan nice food...

really unexpected jst only a frds will care me so much..
jst one week time, both of us bcame very close frds..
oh ya, i rmb this sohai question ...
he ask me am i using the shaver to shave...
i was like shock n weird... den i reply ya and why ?
manatau he ask me kful =.='' coz neck side danger =.='' later i die ki ..

really happy to know this best frd...
our hobby quite same... we love anime, traveling, sport.. etc
but one thing are different is i dont like vege.. ahhaha
always throw vege food give him eat..
and say, u fat ar.... meat i help u eat... vege u eat.. =w=

one day i fall in sick, i cough 2-4 months...
he also beh tong help me find specialist ...
u no eat, he tabao for you =.=''
know u hvnt eat, tarik u go out makan ...
a very caring frds i ever meet before..

when my dad went in hospital,
he cheer me up....
12am arrive sp... whole day no eat..
even he tired, he got scold from parents..
he also willing accompany me to makan ...
and calm me down ...

we do help each other always...
cheer each other when moody...
learn new thing together...
food hunting together ...
and he gift me something that i unexpected ..
he pak kat with mcd, bought me a lens..
i was so embressing when go buy that lens...
i pay for the money and mcd said. u pay what lan wor.. ur best bro bought this for u ..
i was like orzzz =.='' wtf ? ?

rmb one day we went to cameron with ch...
im the driver....
drive all the way.. and at petrol station he bought a chocolate for me say..
nah, tis ur fav chocolate... treat u .. drive safe.. dont slp ... if nt whack u ar..
lolx... that night, i couldn't sleep..
bcoz of the bed... and pillow ...
cause my neck very pain until cant slp..
and he woke up in the middle of the night and ask me why i dont slp yet..
i told him that my shoulder n neck pain... stupid pillow...
he reply me .. come ... i help u massage...
thanks bro ...

you teach me that i can treat my frds more good than last time ...
u helped me get out from my phobia....
u open the lock in my heart ... the lock that i close myself to everyone ....

he's also a romantic guy....
hand make a cake to a girls he love..
rush here rush there...
suffer from here to there ...
really from bottom of my heart... i wish both of them can be together ...

everytime he went penang, sure tabao some local food to me and my family ...
i still rmb one sunday noon....
i jio him for lunch and ngam ngam ho he's eating with family ...
and he ngek ngek say wan tabao for me and deliver to my house somemore ...
and dont want to take money from me ... pai seh ka beh si ...
always treat me makan ... when i treat he jiu no want eat ... =.=''
go fuk urself bro ...
edo ichi...very carving to eat ...
even he's tired.. came back from penang.... still wan eat with me..
i asked him why...
a simple reply.... he reply that since u desperate to eat so long jor...
acc u la...
i feel touch... and  thanks ...

until the day we quarrel...
sorry bcoz of my stubborn ...
our frdship end here...

being after a year... tq tzel meet both of us and ask us settle this thing ..
i really donno he will come... bcoz i asked that will he come to yum cha?
in my mind, i wont show up if he coming...
i don't wan the situation so cold ... so weird...
bt 1 year jor.. how settle ?
in the end, quarrel ....
and i know that you don't want to have a frd like me to make u so stress...
i know u had ady hate me...
watever i explain are useless. ..
im quite down and angry that night...
but jk told me, he's still care of me....
and i was @@?? huh?
jk told me, that day when i fall down when plying bdmt....
he walked to jk and ask what happen to me and how am i..
i really don't understand what he want... hate me but care me?
he said i still the same, awys think the ppl wan to stab me..
bt tats true... my fate ... always kena one ...

tml 2013...
i trying myself to let go of this frds...
goodbye my best bro ...
i got no regret to know u ..
thanks for giving me so much of memories ... no matter good or bad ...
its grow me up ...
take care.... a very close stranger ....
thanks to those hater ... you all let me know how the world look like...